Contactar a Shopify

Reclamo a Shopify


Hola compre una cajonera de herramientas y no llego nunca y la reclamo y me mandan un link pero siempre es lo mismo the package has been shipped out. The tracking number is blgnb0002188685yq. Please track the shipping information through the following link:

please kindly wait 3-5 days for the shipping information updated on the logistic website. It always takes 15-20 working days to arrive after shipping. Please keep in touch with your phone so that you could receive the package on time. If any inconvenience caused to you, please understand.

  • Gabriel B


    Hola buen día nunca contestaron el reclamo por ningún medio ya paso bastante tiempo de la compra

    13 de Mayo a las 8:19 hs.


    • Gabriel B


      No tengo respuesta de la empresa

      19 de Mayo a las 7:07 hs.


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