Contactar a Uba Bank

Reclamo a Uba Bank

Ganadora de un premio

Desde hace mas de 2 años me envían este correo quiero saber si esto es verdad. Gracias

image result for logo of the international monetary fund

international monitary fund.

african department of the i.m.f

resident representative of west africa

mr. William smith


from the desk of the representative officer.

dear, sir/madam

this is to bring to your notice that after the meeting held with the united nations organizations in new york city with the government of the federal republic of mali, we discovered that you have a total sum of $1,500,00.00 usd which is unclaimed in the uba bank.

this fund was deposited in this said bank in your name as winning prize which your account profile has won the social network in the past two year now. We have concluded with the government of mali and also we have ordered the uba bank to transfer your $1,500,000.00 usd to you into your bank account without any other delay.

please, you are advised to contact the uba bank now in charge of your $1,500,000.00 usd which is unclaimed, so that they can transfer the fund into your bank account without any more delay.

here is the contact information of the uba bank, contact them now for the transfer of your $1,500,000.00 usd without any delay.

bank: uba bank


bank manager; mr. Steve anderson

please you are advised to contact the bank now for the immediate transfer of your $1,500,000.00 usd into you bank and get back to us for more information.

please, on behalf of the un and the entire organization of the i.m.f we are pleading for the inconveniences and the delay of your fund.

waiting to hear from you as soon as you contact the bank

yours sincere,

mr. William smith

west african representative.

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  • ANA M


    no se no me han solucionado mi queja

    03 de Octubre a las 8:50 hs.


    • ANA M


      no me han respondido

      14 de Octubre a las 8:14 hs.


      • ANA M


        No me han dado ninguna solución

        29 de Octubre a las 10:28 hs.


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