Contactar a Payoneer

Reclamo a Payoneer

Payoneer damaging reputation

Payoneer defines itself as a payments solution for freelancers I've been working as a freelancer the last 7 years, been using payoneer since 3 years ago, and leaving aside hidden commissions in some cases, i've never seen a worst attitude and lack of support from payoneer than this time around: i need to refund a payment mistakenly send from upwork to payoneer, so i would be able to refund one of my own clients at upwork's platform.. That's the only way i can refund a client in upwork, with one's freelancer funds, but those funds were mistakenly send to payoneer, and now payoneer refuses to refund the payment.. Thereby directly damaging my reputation as a freelancer since i can't meet the demands of my client, which as a freelancer is all you got to obtain new clients, your reputation!

got upwork support involved waiting for the refund, my client waiting for it and asking for updates on the situation, and myself waiting for payoneer to do it right.. Nothing, they said they would refund, then that they can't "cancel" a payment, and they try to use different terminologies for instance payoneer can't "cancel" a payment from a massive payout company, so you have to specifically ask for a refund (if that's useful for anyone in a similar scenario)

payoneer claims to be a payments solution to empower freelancers worldwide, here payoneer has no problem on hurting a freelancer's reputation, one of it's own clients.. For short term gains perhaps..

  • Agustin D


    Haven't received any update from Payoneer

    14 de Enero a las 12:07 hs.


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