Contactar a Nicequest

Reclamo a Nicequest

My order does not arrive


Hello the order has not arrived
order number: 7585811


  • Nicequest Representante de Nicequest


    Hello Mary,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us.

    We have check it and your order appears as delivered 29/04/****. Our support has already sent a email to you with more information about the delivery of your gift.

    Please, let us know if you have any question: . Keep in mind that your opinion and experience are very important for us.

    Nicequest Team

    27 de Mayo a las 6:40 hs.

  • Mary


    Thank you very much for answering I will write to the agency that translates them

    29 de Mayo a las 23:08 hs.

  • Mary


    solución recibida:


    If they solved my problem, my package appeared.

    31 de Mayo a las 9:03 hs.

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