Contactar a Keto Weight Loss

Reclamo a Keto Weight Loss

No entregan pedido ni reembolso

Desde noviembre de 2019 pague el producto y al 10 de abril de 2020 no lo he recibido y ni siquiera dan contestación a los correos que les envio anexo comprobante de pedido

shipping address
cerrada de naranjo 33,
ciudad de mexico, distrito federal
09210, mexico

araceli, garcia

we are excited to welcome you to the kwl family, you are part of the upgraded ultimate weight loss bundle monthly plan, which gives you our complementary products (designed to give you everything you need to achieve your weight loss and keto goals) delivered to your door step every 30 days at a low price of $13.33 with free shipping. Should you have any questions, please feel free to email us at We are always here to help!

our certificates: our product is made in an fda approved and gmp certified facility. We always follow the strictest of guidelines. Please see below a link to our fda & gmp certificates. Please note, if requested by customs for clearance purposes, we kindly ask that you provide these certificates:

order information
order number: 11953984

product: 3 bottle ultimate weight loss bundle - fatburner, electrolyte and cognitive

m.r.p.: $149.80

discount: $109.85

total: $40.00

you save: 29%

inclusive of all taxes

  • Araceli G


    No han respondido nada

    15 de Abril a las 15:27 hs.


    • Araceli G


      No responden nada

      21 de Abril a las 12:04 hs.


      • Araceli G


        No han contestado nada

        01 de Mayo a las 18:58 hs.


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